The Educational Technology 1 course has truly paved way for the learner to become aware. appreciative and equipped to use educational technology tools ranging from traditional to modern educational media. In ET-1, the learner was also oriented towards the averting dangers of dehumanization which technology brings into societies, through ideological propaganda, pornography, financial fraud, and other exploitative use of technology.On the application of educational technology to instruction it showed the 4 phases of application of educational technology in teaching and learning; setting of learning objectives, designing specific learning, evaluating the effectiveness of the learning experiences, and revision as needed of the whole teaching learning process, or some elements of it for improvement, for future use.
Taking up Ed.Tech 1, we learned and become aware of the different educational technology tools, from traditional to modern educational media. As a future teacher, knowing what type of media is appropriate to use in a certain instructional activity is our main concern. In this sense, the computer is what we could use. We realize that the computer is useful in teaching and proper integration of its capabilities in instruction is important. The basic concepts of Educational Technology are made clear for us that the use of technology has its downside, but utilizing and integrating it properly in the teaching - learning process could be a game changer in the classroom setting.